We are also providing Dietary Supplements, Energy Supplement, Fitness Supplements, Food Supplement, Mineral Supplement, Multivitamin Supplement, Nutraceuticals, Nutritional Supplements, Protein Powder, Protein Supplement, Vitamin Supplements, Whey Protein, Digestive Health supplement - only uniblaster, Soya Protein- soya factor and Weight Gain Nutrition- egg factor.
Product Details
Uni-BlasterUni-Blaster is Pure Egg Protein Powder in natural chocolate flavor, beneficial for all family members health (age 3 yrs & above).
Features:- No Preservative
- 100% Natural Complete Nutrition
- FDA Approved
Due to high sulfur content & presence of many vitamins & minerals drinking Uni-Blaster helps in the promotion of healthy muscles and shiny hair & nails. Uni-Blaster contains Chlorine which boost memory power & brain functioning. Uni-Blaster also contains phosphorus that helps in the development of healthy teeth & bones. Uni-Blaster also defends & improves eyesight by preventing diseases like cataract. As people age, the loss in muscle mass can be prevented by reguler intake of Uni-Blaster.
The nutritional needs to a pregnant woman is always higher than that of a non-pregnant woman Uni-Blaster is the Egg Protein beneficialhealthy for pregnant women & her baby. Eggs impart several key nutrients in the form of protein, fats, minerals (such as zinc and selenium) and vitamins A, B and D, which make it a necessary food during pregnancy. Eggs during pregnancy is undoubtedly one of the most nutritious foods and is healthy for the pregnant woman. Eggs, specifically their yolks, are incredibly rich in the very important B-vitamin & choline. Uni-Blaster also contains phosphorous that helps in the development of healthy teeth & bones of baby after delivery.
A complete health drink to increase stamina and make you more energetic.Uni-Blaster :
- Improves your body's immune function
- Gives you strong muscles and bones
- No Chemicals
- No Side Effects
- Complete Nutrition
- 100% Natural
- No Preservative
- Improves your eye sight
- Keeps You active whole day
- Support a healthy digestive.
We are also providing Soya Protein,Dietary Proteins and Calcium Supplement with following Benifites
- Improves your body's immune function
- Gives you strong muscles and bones
- No Chemicals
- No Side Effects
- Complete Nutrition
- 100% Natural
- No Preservative
- Improves your eye sight
- Keeps You active whole day
- Support a healthy digestive.
Egg Factor
Egg Factor are well known for their rich protein and outstanding quality. Our range of products are well known for their optimum results, zero side effects and longer shelf life. All these products are made in compliance with international quality standard.
Egg factor is a rich source of high quality proteins that provide amino acids which are indispensable for a healthy body. Due to presences of carotenes like lute in Egg Factor checks muscular degeneration caused by aging. Iron present in Egg Factor helps in the formation of red blood corpuscles (RBC'S) in the body. Egg Factor presents normal functioning of the immune system. An important antioxidant called selenium is also found in Egg Factor that curbs damaged caused by unrestrained oxidation in the body. Egg protein is a rich source of the essential amino acid Lucine, which is important in modulating the use of glucose by skeletal muscle and in facilitating muscle recovery after exercise. It has therefore been postulated that this would be advantageous to people undergoing endurance training.
Egg protein is a great quality protein that is popular with athletes and body builders. Before egg supplements were available, they would drink raw whites or eat dozens of eggs at a time. Egg protein is often called the " perfect protein" from the "perfect food" because egg contain all of the building blocks of life, including protein, essential fats, vitamins, minerals, and good cholesterol.
Features:- 100% Natural Egg Protein
- No chemicals
- No side effects
- No preservatives
- Gives strong muscles and bones
- Complete nutrition
- Keeps active whole day
- Improves body's immune function
- Supports a healthy digestive tract.
Whey Factor
Backed by profound industry experience, we have been engaged in offering a vast variety of Whey Factor Protein. This range of products are available in 40 gm protein with 180 (Kcal) calories. Made from micro and ultra filtration steps, these products are highly demanded by the clients. These products provides balanced nutritional diet and enhance the immune functions. The offered range makes body and muscles strong and healthy. Customers can avail these products as per their requirement.
Features:- Repair body cells
- Build & repair muscles & bones
- Provide a source of energy
- Control many of the important process in the body related to metabolism
- No side effects provided a person does not have an allergy to dairy proteins.